So long story short, I have a possible bug for this quest, details are contained below. If you complete the maze with the above-mentioned method with the Teleport skill, the gargoyle at the door to Braccus' tower will call you cheater when talking to him, but will let the party in anyway.You can just use the Gloves of Teleportation and teleport your character through a gate, then give it to them, so that they can teleport the other members to the room they are in (or just learn the skill itself), and repeat this step until you've gotten through the maze entirely (as the grated gates don't block sight, your character just has to stand in front of them for the other to be able to see them).Killing the Historian doesn't give you any loot, nor a skull.By using Bless or First Aid cure it's curse. Afterwards, she will thank you but that doesn't seem to do anything else and you gain no xp. There is a rat (Rattus Verus) you can speak with if you have Pet Pal in thise maze that will ask you to shock her with magic, but seemingly any spell will do, even non-damaging ones like Armor of Frost.The 3rd portal doesn't appear until you've doused the flames of the Historian.

Reaching the end of the maze and completing the quest at the gargyole head will allow you to enter the door below, gaining access to Braccus Rex's Tower. Through the portal is another skull and more good randomly generated loot. You will need to at least douse the historian to gain access to the 3rd portal within the maze, that will appear up the stairs to the north-east in the same room. Using the elf skill Flesh Sacrifice near him will also douse the flames, allowing him to be blessed.) (If you don't have the Blood Rain skill, attack your own character to create some blood. Cast Raining Blood first to put out the Hellfire condition, then immediately cast Bless to remove the Cursed condition. Raining Blood + Bless (in that order) will put out the flames on the Historian in the middle. On a human skeleton behind the tower right at the corner before the road turn right.